
Ciro_ gyaza 

Pyramids of Giza

The Tower of Cairo, Cairo, Egypt.

Mosque of Mohamed Ali built in the early nineteenth
century within the Cairo Citadel

Mosque of Mohamed Ali built in the early nineteenth
century within the Cairo Citadel

Places to visit in Egypt:

Sharm El Shiek

Naama Bay: This strip of Sharm El Sheikh’s beachfront is home to dozens of diving centres and luxurious hotels and resorts. Here, you can experience all types of beach and water activities including glass-boat rides, kayaking, parasailing, wind surfing, banana boat rides and of course, most importantly, swimming and sunbathing. Also famous restaurants and Cafes.
Sharm el Sheikh 

(abbreviated «Sharm») is the largest city in South Sinai resorts include contract, tourist groups from around the world. Famous for its diving, was one of three dive sites in Egypt is known worldwide. And before the Sharm el-Sheikh there and tyran. One of the most important areas of Ras Nasrani, RAS Umm SID, along with RAS Mohammed. Located at the confluence of the Gulf of Aqaba and the Gulf of Suez and the Red Sea.

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