Quick Time player 7

Installing QuickTime Player 7


Learn about installing QuickTime Player 7.

Products Affected

A Mac OS X v10.6, OS X Lion, and OS X Mountain Lion-compatible version of QuickTime Player 7 is available for use with older media or with AppleScript-based workflows. QuickTime Player 7 can be used to playback formats such as QTVR, interactive QuickTime Movies, and MIDI files. Also, it supports QuickTime 7 Pro registration codes for access to QuickTime Pro functionality.
To install QuickTime Player 7 on Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard
  1. Insert your Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard Install DVD.
  2. Open the Optional Installs folder.
  3. Double-click "Optional Installs.mpkg".
  4. Select the QuickTime 7 option.
  5. Click Continue.
QuickTime Player 7 will be installed in your Utilities folder.

To install QuickTime Player 7 on OS X Lion and OS X Mountain Lion
  1. Download QuickTime Player 7 from .
  2. Double-click "QuickTimePlayer7.6.6_SnowLeopard". Note: This download is compatible with Mac OS X v10.6 or later.
QuickTime Player 7 will be installed in your Utilities folder.

Additional Information

Information for QuickTime 7 Pro users
If you have a QuickTime 7 Pro registration code on your computer, QuickTime Player 7 is automatically installed in your Utilities folder during the Mac OS X v10.6 installation process. QuickTime Player 7 recognizes your valid registration code and enables QuickTime Pro functionality.
If you need to manually enter your QuickTime 7 Pro registration code:
  1. Open QuickTime Player 7.
  2. Click the QuickTime Player 7 menu and choose Registration.
  3. QuickTime Player 7 menu, registration
  4. Enter your QuickTime 7 Pro registration code.
    QuickTime Pro registration window
  5. Once you have entered all of the information, press the Tab key. The QuickTime logo will change to the QuickTime Pro logo, denoting that registration is complete.
    QuickTime Pro registration

Note: QuickTime Pro registration codes can only be used with QuickTime Player 7.  QuickTime X does not use QuickTime Pro registration codes.

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