How to Treat Fluid Retention

How to Treat Fluid Retention

Fluid retention occurs when the body cannot get rid of excess water. Fluid retention can occur for a variety of reasons, but most commonly it is caused by premenstrual syndrome in women, too much salt in your diet or as a side effect from medication. As a result of fluid retention, there may be some swelling of the body especially in the legs, ankles, hands, feet and abdomen. There are many natural ways of treating fluid retention by expelling excess water from the body and hydrating properly. Here are a few steps on how to treat fluid retention.

1_Lessen your intake of salt
And salty foods. Too much salt in the body can cause fluid retention to worsen. Many processed foods contain high values of sodium that should also be avoided, so check the nutritional information on products you eat to make sure that they do not contain high levels of sodium. Avoid adding additional table salt to your food, and stay away from salty snacks like chips, peanuts and pretzels.

2_Drink plenty of water
if you are aware that your fluid retention is due to premenstrual syndrome, too much salt in your diet or another minor cause. You may feel that you have enough water in your body already, but being well hydrated will help you flush out excess water instead of storing it in your body.

3_Eat foods with diuretic properties.
 There is a long list of diuretic foods such as celery, lettuce, carrots, onion, asparagus, tomato and cucumber.
4_Take vitamins daily
that will reduce fluid retention.
Vitamin B6 is known to reduce the effects of fluid retention, especially in mild cases such as fluid retention due to premenstrual syndrome. Large quantities of Vitamin B6 can also be found in foods such as red meat, salmon, tuna, bananas and brown rice.
Vitamin B5, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin D will reduce water retention and can also be found in foods such as fresh fruits and low-fat dairy.
Supplement minerals such as calcium, magnesium, manganese and potassium can help with water retention as well, and are known to act as mild diuretics to help the body release excess water. Calcium is also found in yogurt, milk and dark leafy greens like spinach. Potassium helps the body to get rid of excess fluid in the body, but also stabilizes the amount of sodium within the body. Potassium is found in fruit such as citrus and melons.
5_Consider using herbs 
as diuretics to release excess water and lessen the effects of fluid retention. There are many herbs that work as diuretics; among them are dandelion leaf, parsley, corn silk and hawthorn.
6_Take a ginkgo supplement
or drink it in a tea. Ginkgo can help with circulation, so it may benefit you if you have water retention due to circulation problems.
7_Exercise often to release
excess body fluid and increase circulation. Exercise can greatly help with fluid retention problems because the body will heat up and sweat out excess water, and better circulation will reduce and prevent fluid retention in the future.
8_Avoid drinks that will dehydrate
 the body such as tea, coffee and alcohol. Although caffeine and alcohol is a diuretic, consuming it will only dehydrate you and worsen fluid retention.
9Sleep with your feet elevated higher than your heart. Just place pillows under your legs to make then higher then your heart when you lay down.

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